In glenfinnan, one wearing a Scotland side it skirts the Hercules waving chains, will force the heavy ball throw. The campaign includes traditional highland dance exciting, delicious food and drinks, as well as the mighty contestants.1:苏格兰的高原运动
This is the mating section of the annual West African nomads. The young man to please women, need to draw complex makeup, wear heavy jewelry, dressed in traditional ceremonial dress, and then danced the traditional dance to win the goodwill of the girls. Fortunately, this festival can be lover or wife.
She is the queen of dance schools, Mangueira samba, Rio de Janeiro street in a unique way of expression through her joy of carnival. Samba was born in Rio de Janeiro, and still is the carnival parade in the city's most authentic item. Ever since the Brazilian Carnival, Brazilian musicians, dancers and designers will be for the world's greatest carnival activities, the highlight of preparation.
彼女はダンスの女王リオデジャネイロの通りにMangueiraサンバスクールカーニバルの喜びの彼女独特の表現を介して。 Sambaは、リオデジャネイロで生まれ、まだ市内で最も本格的な項目のカーニバルパレードです。ブラジルのカーニバル、ブラジルのミュージシャン、ダンサー、デザイナー以来世界最大のカーニバルイベントの最も素晴らしいプログラムを準備することです。
Horse riding and equestrian sports have always been nomadic Kyrgyz national Zhezhi advocates. Local young people lack blood gas, can not wait to show this on horseback wrestling sport called oodarysh. Highland Festival held in the summer pastures, and demonstrate a variety of stunts, but also share food and drinks.
승마와 승마 스포츠는 항상 유목민 키르 기스 국립 Zhezhi 옹호되고있다. 지역의 젊은이들이, 말을라는 oodarysh 스포츠 레슬링이 보여 기다릴 수 없어 혈액 가스가 부족합니다. 고원 축제는 여름 목초지에서 개최하고 시범 묘기의 다양한뿐 아니라 공유 음식과 술.
Loy Krathong는 매년 음력 정월 12 월 15 일에 수코타이 역사 공원 (태국의 고대 수도의 유적에서)에서, 그리고 많은 아시아 국가의 전통 등불 축제처럼, 보트 바나나로 만든 태국 사람들이 조명에, 앞으로 1 년 동안 행운을 기원 단풍 .
Loy Krathong at the annual Lunar New Year on December 15 in the Sukhothai Historical Park (Thailand's ancient capital ruins) at, and many Asian countries, like the traditional Lantern Festival, the Thai people in boats made of banana leaves on the lighting, praying for the coming year good luck .
ลอย กระทงในปีปีใหม่ทางจันทรคติในวันที่ 15 ธันวาคมในอุทยานประวัติศาสตร์สุโขทัย (ประเทศไทยปรักหักพังทุนโบราณ) ที่และประเทศในเอเชียจำนวนมากเช่นเดิมเทศกาลโคมไฟ, คนไทยในเรือที่ทำจากกล้วยใบในแสง, อาขยานสำหรับปีนี้โชคดี
The crowd in Manila procession of Jesus in the sacred trees like the black around the fight get squeezed went to touch the sacred trees. Every year, thousands of people come here barefoot, barefoot, took off his clothes in order to dip him in the statue blessing.
싸움 주위에 검은처럼 신성한 나무에 예수님의 마닐라 행렬에 관중이 압박받을 신성한 나무를 만져 보러 갔었어. 매년 수천명의 사람들이 여기에 맨발, 맨발로 와서, 주문 동상의 축복에서 그를 찍어 자신의 옷을 벗었.
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